To many guys, approaching a girl can be incredibly intimidating. They don’t know what to say or how to say it, and they are terrified of that 9-letter word known as “rejection”. Rejection certainly can be scary- it hurts your self-esteem and destroys your confidence, and it definitely makes it harder to approach women in the future.
So how do you abolish your fear of rejection? The answer is quite simple- you have to face that fear, you have to embrace that fear and you have to laugh at that fear. As cliche as that may sound, it’s 100% effective. And it’s accomplished through something that I like to call the rejection game.
All you need for the game is at least one other guy friend, a five dollar bill, and a social setting with a lot of women (like a bar). The object of the game is to get rejected as many times as possible. Yes, purposely. Where does the money come in? Well, everybody puts their five bucks in the pot, and whoever has gotten rejected the most at the end of the night gets the cash!
This game is a win-win. When you approach a girl and ask her for her number, one of two things is going to happen:
- She says yes (you have a girl’s phone number)!
- She says no (you are one step closer to winning the money)!
The rejection game is a ton of fun to play. Not only will you walk away at the end of the night with either some phone numbers or a wad of cash (or both), you have a great story to tell and some confidence along with the knowledge that hey- getting rejected actually isn’t all that bad!
See, when you put your heart on your sleeve and then that sleeve gets ripped off ferociously, you get hurt. But rejection only sucks because you let it suck. You have to realize that a girl who rejects you obviously isn’t a good match for you, and there are a plethora of other girls out there who are good matches… so get to getting rejected, and tell us your stories afterwards!
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