I was recently on a plane with an older couple who enjoyed chatting. At one point in the conversation I asked them how long they had been married. The answer was ‘Dating for 26 years.. and married for 24.’ That really stuck with me. I’ve had relationships end because after several years of dating, I start to treat the relationship as if it’s an assumption that we will stay together. I love the idea that marriage isn’t the big deal, dating is the big deal. There are plenty of people who have been married forever, but are unhappy. None of us want that. The secret is to never stop dating your partner. focus on dating your partner, always.
So with this theme, I put on my blazer with elbow patches, went to the chalkboard and spent weeks crunching the numbers. After hundreds of proofs I have come down to this formula: I have created with the “Dating Formula”
n+1=Date Quantity where n=the current number of dates you have taken her on.
So the perfect number of dates is one more than however many you have been on. By now you should know that there is no perfect formula that applies to all women for all dates, because everyone is different. While one woman will enjoy the ‘Indoor Beach’ date, another will think it’s a sad reminder that you aren’t going to Hawaii. It is true that as long as you both love each other this formula will apply to everyone.
The idea here is that you should always have the next date planned. In the first year of dating, this seems really obvious, but by the time year four rolls around, it often just goes by the wayside. I thought this was an issue I would never suffer from, after all I run this blog, but that’s a false assumption. We all can become complacent. So here’s your cheerful reminder to always make sure you’ve been dating longer than you’ll be married.
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